Stuart Broad To Play With Face Mask- The Fifth Test At The Oval

Stuart Broad
Cricbuzz: Stuart Broad may play the fifth last Test against India with a face cover. This after the bowler was hit by Varun Aaron amid the fourth Test at Manchester, abandoning him with a cracked nose.

Wide endured an excruciating blow when he neglected to hit an Aaron convey on the third day of the third Test. The ball got stopped between the crest of his cap and the grille and he needed to stroll off promptly.

While England inevitably figured out how to win by an innings and 54 runs and take a 2-1 lead in the arrangement. Wide has been magnificent with the ball against India in the continuous arrangement. Stuart Broad is at the fourth position in the list of best bowlers after Anderson, Moeen and Bhuvanesh Kumar. Stuart Broad guaranteed six wickets in the first innings in Manchester.

The bowler however would get a chance in spite of his damage as England proclaimed an unaltered 13 part squad for the Test at The Oval beginning August 15.

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